martes, 12 de agosto de 2008

How do you study?

The study should be conducted so, as to achieve maximum performance. For this to happen the first thing students should do is organize and plan their task.

What is the useful work-study plan?

To establish an order itself and simultaneously develop study habits adjusted to it.

It is very important to bear in mind that the habits of intellectual work permit:

• Strengthen the will.
• Saving efforts.
• Syndicate effectively time.

How should plan the daily work?

• Identifying what, when and how much it will be studied.

Have a good plan to address adequately the tasks of study, offers the following advantages:

• Allows allocate time so as to accommodate all activities and responsibilities (work, family, social, etc.)..
• It takes more time.
• Avoid hesitation.
• It helps create habits of order and hierarchy.
• Contribute to be able to meet all commitments.


It should consider every day at the same time, being elected, to do so, the time of day when you're more rested and with fewer distractions.

However, the daily curriculum is determined by a number of components that every student must integrate convenient and systematically. These components are:

• Planning prior.
• Educational and desktop, need to study.
• activities and tasks to be performed: study subjects, conducting diagrams and summaries, conduct refresher, etc..
• Inclusion of breaks.
• Attention contingency.

What is the activity of major importance in the study?

Undoubtedly responding to the reading, both because it offers many opportunities to acquire information, as the close relationship that exists between reading and school performance in most subjects.

The question arises then: What is reading?

Read attitude is to listen, understand and respond, is to understand what the author wants to say, is to contrast their own ideas with ideas of the author, requiring thought and mental effort.

Students who read well, with good speed and comprehension enjoys great advantages.

But what is read well?

It can be read as quickly as possible, understanding what is read. This call: reading effectively.

What are the next steps in the study?

When a student logs work-study and has front text, topic or lesson we will study, you can follow the following steps:


This is an initial reading general to analyze the text or topic within a few minutes. This first reading provides an overview of the whole content to be studied.

It is at this time when questioned about:

• What does the text on the subject stated in the title?
• What I know about this topic?
• What can I get to know the reading of this item?
• What positions taken on this subject?
• What I presented difficulties?
• How long will require me to learn?
• What gave importance?

Reading analysis and synthesis

It stopped reading study, conscious and active. It should be understanding what is read.


What is discussed at this stage?

• The contents.
• It highlights the main ideas and secondary.
• It highlights the most relevant details and relationships between concepts, facts and situations.
• Attention is given to key terms.

What is the title?

The title is the word or phrase that was announced in a comprehensive manner, the main topic to be addressed in developing the text.

A careful reading of the title allows us to:

• Forward to content that will be dealt with in writing.
• Generate expectations regarding the issue and its development.
• Avoid we lose in the parties failing to take into account everything.

What is meant by main idea?

Once started reading the text, we should point out the main idea because it is the most important concept of a text.

• There may be one or more ideas put forward.
• This notion or other having the same value give meaning to the entire writing, and revolve around them all the other ideas put forward.
• These locations are essential to achieve an effective reading.

Consider the following:

Archaeology and the secrets of the past

Appear kinds of magic that today we know the habits of people who died thousands of years ago. We know with great detail all matters relating to customs, where they lived and how they travelled, what they ate and how they prepared their food. We are aware of what weapons used for hunting and what tools used to build their homes.

But not due to the magic, our knowledge of these things. It is the science of archaeology which has enabled us to find out everything about the past. Archaeologists are like detectives who follow clues. They must solve riddles and mysteries clarify. They must dig carefully because, often, in the basement, is the story of our past. Some have to dive to explore the bottom of the seas. Recent expeditions have discovered submarine ships submerged thousands of years ago, with the load carrying.

How archaeologists know where to look for relics of the past? Not wielding a shovel and start digging anywhere. Waste your time. Before starting any excavation, they must find some clue that a people or group of old people has lived in a particular site.

Eva Knox Evans: "Archaeology and the secrets of the past," Ed. Novaro, Mexico, 1971.

How do you find the main ideas?

It should:

• make a careful reading of the title and ask a question that, as we assume, reading the text reply.
• Make a complete reading of the text to verify whether it was possible answer to the question posed. If necessary, conduct a second reading.
• Emphasize the main ideas in each paragraph.
How to know if the ideas mentioned are the principal?

They are really main ideas if the ideas outlined responded to the initial question. If we took those ideas and text loses meaning, then are the main ones.

At this time reading analytical come into play other techniques, in addition to underlining, allowing capture, select and manage the content of an item or reducing it to his ideas most essential elements.

Among those techniques include:


It consists of developing a new text which reduces the original, turning only the main ideas of the author. We must remove the fundamental contents of the text ignoring everything accessory.


It consists of developing a new text which reduces the original, turning the main ideas of the author and the reader that analyses. It is the reordering of the fundamental aspects of the text read depending on the perspective of the reader.

So far, we have understood the meaning of the title, we know what are the main ideas which will refer to the letter, we can reduce the text, but is this enough to understand the text? I used to identify all parts of the text if I do not know how to relate to one another?

However, we still lack the ideas relate identified and classified. We must now discover the structure or organization of writing that is given by existing relationships between the parties that everything.

One technique that can be used for this purpose is what is called:

Outline of contents:

It is a graphic representation and symbolic of ideas and relationships more meaningful text. The ideas are represented by key words and the relationships between them by arrows.



1. Strict
Given geographical unit, specifically.

2. Extensive
Preservation | Life, Behavior | Species
-- Beyond the specific geographical unit.

Reading the study (of assimilation and fixing)

It is at this time when it is retained and strengthens what worked. It is necessary to re-read to absorb and retain, for how much has been understood.

There is an effort intensive and decisive, taking advantage of underlinings, summaries, synthesis, diagrams, etc..


Review is to begin reviewing. The student can say he knows the subject when once understood, it has assimilated and can express it in their own words.

Summaries final and personnel

Making a final outline of topics, so that collect personal development of fundamental ideas, drawing on the activities carried out previously, this will be helpful in that effort be effective.


Review assumed that, previously, has learned something. It is part of the study, since it allows to strengthen and preserve what has been learned through reading.

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